CoHE Opens Application Period for YÖK 2022 Excellence Awards

April 25, 2022 / Ankara

CoHE started to accept the applications for the YÖK Excellence Awards for 2022 on Monday, April 25, 2022. This year's application period for the awards, which have been awarded by the Council of Higher Education since 2017, will end on Friday, June 3, 2022.

- “Special Field Awards” will be given for the first time this year

As of this year, the main category of “Special Field” was added to the YÖK Excellence Awards, which were given in seven sub-categories under two main categories (Individual and Institutional Awards) in previous years. Thus, the awards will be given in eleven sub-categories under three main categories: Individual, Corporate and Special Field Awards.

Under the main category of “Individual Awards”, the Award for Doctoral Dissertation of the Year will be given in four sub-categories: “Science and Engineering”, “Fine Arts and Architecture”, “Health and Sports Sciences”, and “Social and Human Sciences” . The authors of the dissertations and the dissertation advisors can apply for the awards for the doctoral dissertations completed in the previous year. These awards aim to draw attention to the importance of joint success of educators and students.

Under the main category of “Institutional Awards”, the awards will be given in five sub-categories: “Digital Transformation and Big Data Research”, “Social Responsibility”, “International Cooperation”, “University-Business Cooperation” and “Contribution to Local Development” . Higher education institutions can apply for these awards. These awards aim to encourage and disseminate innovative studies and good practices completed in the previous year by higher education institutions.

- National Innovation Award and Science Diplomacy Award

The Special Field Awards, which will be given for the first time in 2022, will be given in two sub-categories: National Innovation Award and Science Diplomacy Award. The academics who carry out these studies can apply for these awards. The academics must have completed these studies in the year preceding the year of application. These awards aim to encourage the studies of academics in the fields of national innovation and science diplomacy, which are considered as a priority for the interests of higher education and the country.

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