CoHE Brings Situation of Disabled Students During Global Pandemic to Public Attention

January 29, 2021

The article written by CoHE Member Prof. Zeliha Koçak Tufan was published on the website of University World News, which is closely watched by the academia in the world. It brought the access of students with disabilities to higher education during the global pandemic, their problems and solution proposals to the attention of the world.

In the article entitled “Thinking about students with disabilities in the pandemic”, CoHE Member Prof. Zeliha Koçak Tufan wrote about the activities and good practices carried out by the Council of Higher Education to facilitate the access of disabled university students to education.

The article also mentioned CoHE’s works which aim to make higher education institutions accessible to all students with the motto of “Barrier-free Access” and “Barrier-free Education” and pointed out the activities that should be carried out to ensure accessibility in all degrees including associate degree, undergraduate, and doctorate, and to raise awareness among academic staff.

The article included the analysis of CoHE questionnaire in which 195 universities participated to evaluate the measures taken for disabled students at universities and the current situation during distance education carried out under the COVID-19 global pandemic measures. The works carried out for disabled students in Turkish higher education were also explored in the article.

Click here to read the article published on University World News.