CoHE Makes New Arrangements to Increase Quality, Merit and Equal Opportunity in Academia

May 18, 2021

Some arrangements were made on the bas​is of quality and merit with the changes published in the Official Gazette today.

1) The minimum score requirement for foreign language was increased

Upon the findings of the Council of Higher Education and the requests of students, the minimum score required to be appointed to teaching fellow positions in programs taught in a foreign language and to the positions of teaching fellows teaching foreign language classes was increased to 85. To this end, the competency required from academics teaching foreign languages was increased.

2) The principle of “merit” was brought to forefront for the appointments to be made to research assistant positions in priority fields at research universities

Two amendments were made in the “Regulation for the Principles and Procedures regarding the Central Exam and Entrance Exams to be Conducted for the Appointment of Teaching Staff for Permanent Posts”.

- One of the amendments is that the objective criteria (ALES scores and exam scores from foreign language centers) became more effective in the selection of research assistants in priority fields of research universities to be determined by the Council of Higher Education.

- The other amendment is that the number of candidates to be called for the exam following pre-assessment will be maximum three times the number of positions for these universities while it is usually maximum ten times the number of positions.

At the introductory meeting of the “YÖK Academic Career Merit Project”, which was realized by the New CoHE, we stated that we were worried about the challenges taking place during the employment of academic staff and that we would make some arrangements to prevent them.

Afterwards, we put a stop to the inclusion of some parts or the complete titles of the graduate theses or dissertations in the promotion and appointment to professor, associate professor, assistant professor positions with a new provision we added to the Regulation on the Promotion and Appointment to Faculty Member Positions.

These amendments are the continuation of our efforts to increase merit and equal opportunity. We will continue to make new arrangements in this direction.