CoHE Delivers Good News to University Students: “CoHE is Working on the Delivery of Transcripts through E-government Gateway”

August 21, 2020

CoHE started working on the delivery of transcripts issued by universities in a standard format, in Turkish and English, via E-government Gateway. Within the scope of the project, the transcript samples of some universities were examined and a draft transcript was created after the consultations with universities. The draft was sent to all universities and the opinions and suggestions of the relevant university officials were received. In line with these suggestions sent to CoHE, the document was finalized and sent to all universities.

Following these procedures, CoHE sent a letter to universities for the completion of all necessary data entries within one month for the delivery of e-transcripts from the section of CoHE on the E-government portal by ensuring the harmony of its own data processing system with the information systems of universities.

- Easily available for free in digital environment without going to university

CoHE is planning to complete the work related to e-transcripts towards the end of October and make it available to students in November. When it is completed, current students and those who will graduate from Turkish state and foundation universities will be able to get their e-transcripts for free through the E-government Gateway easily. Transcripts of the students who graduated in previous years will be uploaded to the system after additional works will be carried out within the bounds of possibility of universities.

Current students and university graduates can apply to the Registrar's Office or Faculty/Institute of their university in person to obtain their transcripts, and depending on the infrastructure of universities, they can receive the document within one or two working days at the earliest.

- It will save time and money for students and universities

E-transcripts can be obtained through the E-government Gateway in Turkish and English. Since many universities could not provide this service in case of need for transcripts in a foreign language, students and graduates had their transcripts translated at translation offices. This led to time and financial loss especially for students and graduates who applied from outside the provinces or abroad. Thanks to this service to be provided by CoHE, students will not spend money on translations and will be able to access e-transcripts easily in case of transfer between universities. Universities will also save on paperwork costs and reduce the costs of personnel and workload.

- E-transcripts will prevent the possible forgery of documents

Since e-transcripts will be issued through the E-government Gateway, it will be safer for individuals and institutions. In this way, it will be almost impossible to issue forged transcripts. Upon the completion of the process, students will be able to receive transcripts with barcodes and QR codes from anywhere they can access the internet via E-government Gateway. The institutions and persons to whom the document is submitted will be able to verify transcripts through the barcode number via the E-government Gateway or through the QR code on YÖK Mobile application.